KoptaForce, Reloaded

Hello again loyal readers (and/or those who are here for the first time!)

In my last post I started looking at my ongoing project, Da KoptaForce. Although KoptaBoss Spearsmasha was a big part of the driving motivation behind the project, he is far from the meat and bones of the army. As with any military force (even fictional ones) it is the troops on the ground that carry the day. Figuratively, in this case, as the main units in this army fly! With that in mind, let's have a closer look;
Unlike my other 40k armies, I wanted the units in this force to all be instantly distinguishable at a glance. The easiest way I could think of doing this was a signature colour for each 'Skwadrun' of Deffkoptas. As you can tell, I'm a long way from finished but Blu and Yella Skwadruns ready for inspection!

Da Blu Boyz

Not the best group shot in history, but it gives you an idea of their purpose. Blu Skwadrun was the first unit of Deffkoptas I worked on properly, converting their Rokkits to Twin-linked Big Shootas and including a single Buzzsaw. These guys are surprisingly multi-purpose, able to whittle away infantry units or harass small vehicles with their high number of shots (and decent accuracy, thanks to their rerolls). Outflanking with them usually gets them round to the side or rear armour or up to those pesky long range units that are so cruel to Ork mobs unmolested. The Buzzsaw also gives them a bit of punch against the harder characters, monstrous creatures and better armoured vehicles, particularly as he isn't a character, so can't be challenged out! Speaking of whom, let's take a close look at him.

Very much "The World Is Not Enough", I know, but I think this might be one of my favourite models in my entire collection. Not to play with, because he falls over a lot. Top heavy-ness is bad! Still, he grabs plenty of attention when I use him. I know a lot of tournament-style players might complain that he is quite a bit taller than the original model on a flying stand and that being bad for True Line of Sight purposes, but other members of the squad are lower to balance that out and I almost always give my opponents the benefit of the doubt when determining if he has LoS or a cover save (though with Jink, that's often a moot point). 

Across all four 'Koptas, I've tried to use a variety of shades of blue and patterns. Whilst the overall scheme is very coherent, it means each looks unique and individual.  For all four, I did a metallic base coat with a spray paint, worked on the blue and then put in other details sparingly.

After the Blu Skwadrun, I worked on the Yella Skwadrun; as much looking for a change of style as colour, having worked on some Warkoptas and other vehicles in a similar style between the two. For the bulk colour, I sprayed them white and did a heavy wash with Gryphonne Sepia. Again, who would like to see another group shot?

Yella Skwadrun

I went for a lot more individual details and markings on these guys, but fewer patterns in the yellows/main colours. As you can see, these guys are more traditionally armed, based on the GW models from the Assault on Black Reach starter box, with Twin-linked Rokkit Launchers. Again, I included a single Buzzsaw, to help them out of trouble in combat. The Rokkits mean they aren't as good at killing units of models; Taking out smaller, elite units, monstrous creatures and even the most heavily armoured vehicles is their forte. Again, being fast and outflanking makes them a danger, no matter where enemy forces are deployed on the field.

Whilst I kept the Rokkits the same, I added plenty of other conversions, altering the rotor blades and giving all the riders a side arm. I also did a few head swaps which, with the plug-together necks from the AoBR models, was harder than it might initially seem. Again, I tried to vary the height of each Kopta's flying stand. It certainly helps add visual interest to the group when they are on the table. Not to mention meaning that the unit can be placed closer together without the rotor blades getting in the way so much.

I have another couple of Kopta mobs, but I'll save those for another day. Got to give you something to come back for after all. That's it from me for today. Have a good weekend, one and all. Let me know what hobby projects you are working on in the comments below.

