Auctorian Fallout 3, Rotheram Town 1

For my non-British readers, that's a 'joke' (and yes, I am using the term loosely) about Football scores

So you still want to hear about Muirana? Well, I can actually tell the story of that battle, because that was where I was fighting...

Colonel Karter made planet fall well away from the main Forge Complex, joined by a contingent of the Stonebreakers Chaos Space Marines led by a might Lord. The lower half of his body had been replaced by a set of spider-like augmetics, clicking and whirring with every movement. Karter didn't concern himself with the Astartes though; As far as he was concerned, this was his mission to run how he wanted. They were simple there to back up and bolster his own men.

As dawn threatened to break, the task force reached the 15th parallel, an arbitrary line concentric to the outer edges of Forge Alpha79-T; the Titan Foundry. As he had with the previous parallels he had crossed, Karter approached with caution. For the first time, he was justified in that decision as a defensive line had been erected as was manned by Space Marines from both the Blood Angels and Raven Guard chapters. Surely this could only be coincidence? Their infiltration had been under cover of darkness and as stealthy as moving Leman Russ Battletanks would allow. Perhaps these were patrolling groups who just happened to be meeting at this point as the task force arrived. It didn't matter to Karter. He was eager to take his first Imperial life, to avenge his the slights against his honour and pride. He bade the Chaos Marines accompanying him to spread out and take offensive position in the ruins. The lead tanks of his advancing column formed up for a quick a decisive blow that would shatter the loyalists arrayed before them.

Although he dearly wished to take the first shots himself, Karter recognised the tactical danger that placed him in in the darkness, instead ordering one of the other tanks to open fire on the defensive line. The blast, along with the Battle Tank's searchlight revealed what could have potentially been a grave threat to Armoured Battlegroup; and emplaced Lascannon manned by a warrior of the Blood Angels, a hero of some distinction by the artisan work on his armour.

Overjoyed at the prospect of crippling the Imperial defence with the loss of such a person, Karter immediately ordered up a bio-acid filled Beast Hunter Shell, before personally lining up the barrel of his Vanquisher's main gun. The shot rocked the tank, along with the beam of light from the hull mounted Lascannon and the staccato shots from the sponson Bolters. The emplaced weapon on the defensive line had taken some of the fire, but a smile split Karter's face as he watched the Blood Angels hero dissolve before him through the tank's scopes. How sweet it would have been to stand over him as it happened, but there was still a battle to be fought.

The Angels quickly rallied, another taking place at the Lascannon, even as the last of the bio-acid vaporised his compatriot's body. As the Auctorian star began to creep above the horizon, more and more power armoured figures began to loom out of the darkness. A handful of missiles screeched out  from behind the armoured wall, impacting ineffectively on the sloped armour of The Duchess. The massive bulk of a giant loosed a hail of shots from arm mounted cannon and a missile launcher mounted where his shoulders would have been. The Dreadnought's shots had as little an effect on the Leman Russ as the missile fire had, but the repeated impacts had startled the veteran crew some what.

Although the Tanks were all but proof against the ranged fire of the Astartes, Karter knew with certainty how much damaged such warriors could do if they closed on the tanks. He called the Chaos Lord for reinforcements, but didn't get a reply. Just as he considered using a Beast Hunter shell on his ally, a sound that was half way between the crack of lightning and tearing paper echoed across the battle ground, followed by the tortured screams of uncountable souls. Even as the Space Marines advanced, a pair of mechanical dragons erupted through a tear in reality breathing flames of oily black smoke.

Amongst the Marines, Karter identified another hero; his armour a shock of azure amongst the crimson and black of the two assembled chapters, but still bearing the symbols of the Blood Angels. The Colonel couldn't help but think that such a distinction was important, knowing how important Chapter colours were to the Astartes. Again, he called for another Beast Hunter and launched it at his quarry, striking true. Despite his ambitious shot and the predations of the flame belching flyers, the loyal Astartes managed to advance up to the waiting Chaos Marines. Whilst their Dreadnought ploughed the skies with his shots, eventually bagging one of the mechanical beasts, the loyalists took a bloody toll on the traitors in the ruins. A blinding flash of light stalled further slaughter, both with cannon and blade, and though Karter dared hope for further reinforcements from his his ally, he was instead greeted with the sight of a solid wall of black ceramite all but surrounding his tank; Terminators of the Raven Guard.

Implacable in their advance and utterly overwhelming in their assaults, the Raven Guard elite tore through the attacking tanks. The scattered loyalists used the destruction as a rallying call, effectively taking the battle field as the second dragon was downed by the Dreadnought's missiles. Facing such devastation the only option left to Karter was to play dead in the wrecked Duchess. Distracted by the remaining and retreating Chaos Marines, the loyalists ignored him in favour or more hated foes. As the desert fell quiet, Ambrose Karter fled on foot to regroup with his company. Joined by what was left of his veteran tank crews they hid in the desert, awaiting their chance to take their revenge and hoping that the wounds they had cause the Imperium were grievous enough.

With the opening games of the Auctorian Onslaught played, we took a break for lunch. Again, you'll have to wait, dear reader, for further details of the later games. Check back soon and often.

