Auctorian Fallout

Hello Ladies and Gents

Sorry for the late post today; I have been working my way through the photos from last weekend, the Auctorian Onslaught, and there has been a lot to do (along with colluding with Messer Buckle about future events...)

Over the next few days I'll go over what happened in the campaign, including lost of pictures. I may just ignore my normal posting schedule completely and post as I have stuff ready, so check back often and let me know what you think of the decisions made in the comments! For those who didn't see the last blog post on this campaign, all the rules (which might help explain a few of our decisions) can be found here:- The Auctorian Campaign Rulespack V1.1

I won't give away what happened, other than to say the finale was a truly epic Apocalypse game that was jammed packed with unique events, bitter rivalries and dice rolling that simply beggared belief! Big thanks must go out to Christopher Buckle for organising and running the whole thing (with more than a little help from yours truly) and making the weekend so much fun.

So where to start? Well, it all started far too early on a Saturday morning...

