In my last post I mentioned Da Big Mek; a cartoonish Ork who interrupted my countdown timer for The Cleansing of Toreldos game, changing things up, in the words of Anonymous, for the LuLz. Today, you lucky people get to meet him!
Well, sort of...
I made a video with clips taken from the PowerPoint presentation I used as the timer. Unfortunately the video didn't include the sound, so I had to sync that in again, which is slightly off, but apparently getting it to the nearest hundredth of a second isn't quite right! It's also missing the layer of static that heralded the arrival of Da Big Mek (and hid the worst of the sins of my animation...) but it gives you a pretty good idea of what happened.
You might be able to spot as well that the slides have been significantly shortened from their original 1 minute length, otherwise the video would be over twice as long and a lot less interesting. Newho, enough prattling on from me. Meet Da Big Mek:
So what do you think? Want this guy messing with your games?