Ex Instinctu Imperator is Dead! Long live White Wyvern Designs!

Yes folks, at long last I have decided to let Ex Instinctu Impeerator fade in to distant memory, if after three years it wasn't distant memory already! But from the ashes of the past, a pheonix may rise. This pheonix is kinda scaly, rather reptillian and... well, you can see the picture, the blog title, the web links....
White Wyvern Designs is my new(ish) hobby venture, offering high quality 3D printed parts that can be used for conversions and cosplay. But don't worry; as well as posting about my new products, I will hopefully still be putting up the same hobby content from before (and hopefully more of it!) with tournament and campaign reports.
With the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 just around the corner, it seemed like the perfect time to blow off the cobwebs, kit a few keys and get back in to the swing of things. There's even talk of another Auctorian campaign!

Yes folks, at long last I have decided to let Ex Instinctu Impeerator fade in to distant memory, if after three years it wasn't distant memory already! But from the ashes of the past, a pheonix may rise. This pheonix is kinda scaly, rather reptillian and... well, you can see the picture, the blog title, the web links....
White Wyvern Designs is my new(ish) hobby venture, offering high quality 3D printed parts that can be used for conversions and cosplay. But don't worry; as well as posting about my new products, I will hopefully still be putting up the same hobby content from before (and hopefully more of it!) with tournament and campaign reports.
With the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 just around the corner, it seemed like the perfect time to blow off the cobwebs, kit a few keys and get back in to the swing of things. There's even talk of another Auctorian campaign!